Safer Spaces Policy

In accordance with the MSA’s Safer Spaces Policy, Radio Monash is committed to fostering an environment of mutual respect and safety for all.

To keep things safe for everyone, we ask that you comply with the following guidelines.

If you feel you have been treated in a manner that goes against the Safer Spaces Policy, please contact us at so we can help you.


Respect towards yourself

Keep an eye on your own needs and comfort levels while accommodating others.

Respect towards others

Be aware of the needs and comfort levels of others attending events. Some things to keep in mind are:

  • Other people may have different physical and emotional boundaries.

  • Always ask before before sharing someone’s personal space, or touching someone.

  • If your point of view differs from that of another person, stay respectful. You’re free to politely disagree and express that disagreement, but do not attack the person.

  • Don’t assume the gender identity, race, sexual preferences or personal history of anyone. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can introduce yourself with your name and preferred pronouns. You should always ask the preferred pronouns of those you are speaking to.


Practicing consent is important in all kinds of situations and discussions. If you are discussing triggering content or topics that people may be uncomfortable with, you should always ask for consent from those present.

Remember that consent is not the lack of a ‘no’, it is the presence of an enthusiastic ‘yes’. Silence is not consent. Consent can also be withdrawn at any time.


Be aware of how your life experiences have impacted your perspective, and how your opinions might exclude or harm others (intentionally or unintentionally). Hold space for others by keeping this in mind as you interact with people.

Oppressive Behaviour

Oppressive behaviour can include, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive, derogatory, threatening, aggressive, or silencing comments.

  • Deliberately misgendering people, or using ‘dead’ or rejected names.

  • Violence, intimidation, stalking.

  • Wearing offensive attire.

  • Persistent, abusive, or non-constructive criticism.

  • Persistent micro-aggressions.

  • Physical contact without consent.

  • Inappropriate social contact or unwelcome sexual attention.

  • Other behaviour or language that may perpetuate oppression.

  • Advocating or encouraging any of the above behaviour.